
If you need to embed more than a few lines of immediate data in your program, you may want some comments to explain what’s going on. By default, textdata strip out Python-like comments (from # to end of line). So:

exclude = words("""
    __pycache__ *.pyc *.pyo     # compilation artifacts
    .hg* .git*                  # repository artifacts
    .coverage                   # code tool artifacts
    .DS_Store                   # platform artifacts


['__pycache__', '*.pyc', '*.pyo', '.hg*', '.git*',
 '.coverage', '.DS_Store']

You could of course write it out as:

exclude = [
    '__pycache__', '*.pyc', '*.pyo',   # compilation artifacts
    '.hg*', '.git*',                   # repository artifacts
    '.coverage',                       # code tool artifacts
    '.DS_Store'                        # platform artifacts

But you’d need more nitsy punctuation, and it’s less compact.

If however you want to capture comments (or other text that includes the hashmark / number sign character), set cstrip=False (though that is probably more useful with the lines and text APIs than for words). ß