Attributes (Dicts)

Dictionaries are hugely useful in Python, but not always the most compact to state. In the literal form, key names must be quoted (unlike JavaScript), and there are very specific key-value separation rules (using : in the literal form, and = in the constructor form.

textdata contains a more concise constructor, attrs:

>>> attrs("a=1 b=2 c='something more'")
{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 'something more'}

(The order in which key-value pairs appear may vary depending on what Python verssion you’re running. Python prior to 3.6 was almost perversly eager to randomize dictionary order; see below for some workarounds.)

Note that:

  1. Quotes are not required for keys; they’re assumed to be strings.
  2. No separators are required between key-value pairs (though commas and semicolons may be optionally used).
  3. What would “natrually” be a numercial value in Python is indeed a numerical value, not the string representation you might assume a parsing routine would render.

Even better, colons may also be used as key-value separators, and quotes are only required if the value includes spaces.

>>> attrs("a:1 b:2 c:'something more' d=sweet!")
{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 'something more', d: 'sweet!'}

To make it easier to import from CSS, semicolons may optionally be used to separate key-value pairs.

>>> attrs("a:1; b: green")
{'a': 1, 'b': 'green'}

Finally, for familiarity with Python literal forms, keys may be quoted, and key-value pairs may be separated by commas.

>>> attrs(" 'a': 1, 'the color': green")
{'a': 1, 'the color': 'green'}

About the only option that isn’t available is that keys are always interpreted as strings, not lteral values, and the Python triple quote is not supported.

You might think that this level of flexibility would make parsing unreliable, but it doesn’t seem to be so. The attrs parser and its support code are significantly tested. (And it’s derived from a JavaScript codebase which is itself significantly tested.) And supporting all these forms makes importing content directly from from JavaScript, JSON, HTML, CSS, or XML quite straightforward.


attrs tries hard to “do the right thing” with data presented to it, including parsing the string form of numbers and other data types into natural Python data types. However, that behavior is controllable. To disable the parsing of Python literal values, set evaluate='minimal' (alternatively, evaluate=False).

Evaluation behavior in general is configurable with the evaluate keyword parameter. natural is the default, attempting to convert values that “look like” int, float, complex, bool, or None types into their corresponding Python values.

The hard case is converting from HTML or XML, in which values are often quoted regardless of intended type, so context is the only way to know if the type should be textual or something else. Quotes are a very strong indicaton that you want a string value type back. As a result, if you use quoted HTML/XML forms, you have to specifically ask for full evaluation to get back numeric and other value types.

>>> # Note values returned as strings, even though they look like numbers
>>> # That's because they're explicitly quoted
>>> attrs('a="1" b="2" c="something more"')
{'a': '1', 'b': '2', 'c': 'something more'}

>>> # Request 'full' evaluation to get numeric values
>>> attrs('a="1" b="2" c="something more"', evaluate='full')
{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 'something more'}

Return Type

It’s also a sad fact of Python life that, until version 3.6 (late 2016!), there was no clean way to present a literal dict that would preserve the order of keys in the same order as the source code. As a result, Python developers have often needed the much less graceful collections.OrderedDict, which, while effective, lacked a clean literal form. attrs can help.:

>>> from collections import OrdredDict
>>> attrs("a=1 b=2 c='something more'", dict=OrderedDict)
OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 'something more')])

Terse, yet returns an OrderedDict with its keys in the expected order.

attrs also exports Dict, an attribute-accessible dict subclass. (Note, in future versions this will been replaced with items.Item, an inherently ordered, attribute-accessible dictionary.

>>> attrs("a=1 b=2 c='something more'", dict=Dict)
Dict(a=1, b=2, c='something more')

>>> d = attrs("a=1 b=2 c='something more'", dict=Dict)
>>> d.a
>>> d.a = 12
>>> d
Dict(a=12, b=2, c='something more')